Dear Community,
we thank you from the deepest of our hearts for your participation in this year’s - and at the same time first - SCS Community Summit on December 15, 2021. Though we were originally so much looking forward to meeting you all in person at Cloud Expo in Frankfurt and toasting together on site, the current pandemic situation has forced us to an alternative format. True to the motto 8-Bit Retro Edition, this year’s community meeting took place in the specially created SCS Maschinenraum and offered virtual space for presentations, discussions and talks. To still create at least some congress feeling, we organized a sticker exchange, so that all participants received an adventure package. Thank you very much for your contributions and support!
Stephan Ilaender and Felix Kronlage-Dammers kicked off the summit with two keynote talks from the community. We have collected all slides at the end of this blog post.
Afterwards, Kurt Garloff, Dr. Manuela Urban, Dirk Loßack and Eduard Itrich gave an overview of the past and eventful year of SCS, presented a travel guide to the Sovereign Cloud Stack community, and an overview of past and upcoming tenders. Again, you’ll find all slides at the end of this blog post.
The second half of the summit’s morning was work-intensive for everyone: Together we collected and discussed your ideas for the upcoming year on a scrumblr board. Together with the Product Board, we will now process these in the coming weeks and transfer them to our public Wekan board. We are already looking forward to tackling these milestones with you very soon!
The afternoon was kicked off with the results from the past retrospective as well as the results of the community survey State of the Community 2021.
In the group working phase, the organization of our development work was the most frequent out of originally four topics. The results of an intensive two-hour discussion were again recorded in a Scrumblr board.
Thank you all for participating in this year’s Community Summit, which was a great end of an eventful year for SCS. Most importantly, we thank you for believing in our idea, supporting our project, and contributing to the success of the Sovereign Cloud Stack project. Without you, none of this would have been possible!